Weave Me the Sunshine @ San Juan College

San Juan College

The San Juan College (SJC) Native American Center (NAC) presents Weave Me the Sunshine, the San Juan College Ms. Indigenous Pageant 2024. The Pageant takes place on Thursday, September 26, at 4 p.m. in the Henderson Fine Arts Center Theatre.

The SJC Ms. Indigenous Pageant dates back to 2008 and celebrates the rich diversity, culture and traditions of Native American students and the community. Contestants showcase their cultural heritage through exhibitions of traditional talent and skill, as well as contemporary talent categories. The crowning of Ms. Indigenous is based on her embodiment and expression of Native traditions.

“We are excited to continue this celebration, showcasing the grace, wisdom and leadership of Indigenous and Native American women across generations,” said Brandan Ashley, NAC Director. “We are also pleased to announce BeWell New Mexico as a sponsor of this year’s Pageant through the San Juan College Foundation.”

The Pageant, emceed by Chizz Bah, is free and open to the public. On Thursday, September 26, show your support for the crowning of Ms. Indigenous San Juan College 2024.

For more information, contact the Native American Center at 505-566-3321 or NAC@sanjuancollege.edu.

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